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About Us

I was a new mom living in my home state of South Carolina the first time I ever heard anything about Border Collies. Because my first son, Ryan was a dog lover from the moment he saw Clifford the Big Red Dog on TV, I began looking to get a dog for our family. Once I learned that Border Collies were the smartest dogs and read about their unique characteristics, I knew that was the breed of dog for us!  After my third son, Joseph was born, we moved out of the neighborhood, where we had been living, onto several acres on the outskirts of our town. During the process to de-clutter my house of toys and baby paraphernalia, I held a garage sale after we moved. It was there that I met Rhonda Baird of Starlight Border Collies. When she told me, she had one puppy left from her current litter, I went to her house immediately after the garage sale to meet the puppy and fell absolutely in love! I spent every dime I had made from the garage sale on that beautiful blue-eyed Blue Merle female puppy. Ryan named the puppy Crystal, which was an accurate description of her startling blue eyes. Crystal was without a doubt the most amazing dog I had ever met. She had like a 6th sense about what was going on and was so intuitive. She was my constant companion and helped us raise four rambunctious boys. Throughout her life, I think she actually taught ME more than I ever taught her! We lost her in 2017, but her legacy lives on in Linka, one of our current breeding dogs.

It was from a wonderful friendship that developed with Rhonda that I became interested in breeding Border Collies myself. Rhonda remains a fantastic mentor to me and even though she has retired from breeding, she continues to be a very important influence in our program. 


These days we live in southeast Georgia where the gnats are so big, they could almost carry you away! It gets really hot here and we have only seen snow once in the 10 years we have lived here. But the rural setting we live in is beautiful and I have come to love this place with its cotton and peanut fields and forests that go on for miles. My family consists of my sweet, lovable man, Jason and my four sons, Ryan, Cross, Joseph and Shane plus a menagerie of animals we affectionately refer to as The Zoo! Currently we have 5 dogs, 5 cats and a Tennessee Fainting Goat named Josh! Until recently we had a sheep named Sean the Sheep and a mini horse named Summer, both who have unfortunately gone on to the big pasture in the sky. My love for kids and animals has been a constant theme throughout my life and for a brief period I ran a petting zoo, which was loads of fun! We had miniature pigs, chickens, huge Giant Flemish rabbits, Nigerian Dwarf goats, sheep, horses and a pony. We have slimmed down quite a bit, but it still can feel like chaos at times! But I love it! I adore my family and our animals and that is the environment our puppies are born into!

I call Jason an animal whisperer!! He has such a wonderful way with any animal. He is a character himself and keeps us in stiches most of the time with his antics. Believe me, there is never a dull moment around our house! Jason is so wonderful with the puppies! Linka is his personal constant companion, although Noble, our stud, would probably protest that statement. Jason is a multi-talented veteran and Linka has absolutely been such a blessing to him in so many ways. He is a General Contractor and we run a remodeling business, so he takes the dogs with him just about every day…sometimes more than one dog! Everywhere we go we get compliments on how beautiful they are and how well they behave.


We do lots of things like horseback riding, camping, 4-wheeler riding, fishing, swimming, etc. as a family and unless it’s a situation where a dog is not allowed, our dogs are part of all of those events. We do not show our dogs, and I can’t say they know many tricks, but they are a integral part of our everyday lives.  We have approximately 2 litters a year and only once have I messed up and had 2 litters back to back….nope, won’t do that again…so the puppies get plenty of attention and handling and love right from the beginning. We raise our Borders to be well adjusted, confident members of a family, whether they go to a cattle ranch in Texas or California to work the ranch or become a running partner for an athletic city dweller or become an amazing family dog. We breed for disposition, not just workability. We have puppies placed in many states in the United States and a couple in Costa Rica. We love talking about our dogs, so please feel free to contact us and give us a chance to brag about our crew! We look forward to hearing from you!

Office Hours

Mon-Friday 9-5

Saturday-Sunday 12-4


Phone: (912) 271-3189


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